
1. III
weave smth.
1) weave a cloth (wool, etc.) ткать материю и т.д.; weave a basket (a wreath, a garland, straw, etc.) плести корзину и т.д.; the spider weaves its web паук плетет свою паутину
2) coll. weave a story (a history, a narrative, fiction, incidents, an allegory, etc.) сочинять /выдумывать/ рассказ и т.д.; weave a plot плести сети заговора
2. IV
1) weave smth. in some manner weave a cloth (clothes, etc.) skilfully (/artfully, dexterously/, coarsely, subtly, laboriously, etc.) искусно и т.д. ткать материю и т.д.; weave a basket (a wreath, a web, etc.) deftly (skilfully, etc.) ловко и т.д. плести корзину и т.д.; weave threads together сплетать нити
2) weave smth. in same manner coll. weave a story (a narrative, etc.) skilfully (subtly, etc.) искусно и т.д. сочинять /выдумывать/ рассказ и т.д.
3) weave smth. somewhere weave one's way uphill (down, etc.) петлять /двигаться зигзагами/ вверх по склону и т.д.
3. XI
1) be woven in some manner the story is skilfully woven рассказ умело сочинен/ловко закручен/
2) be woven of smth. it is woven of silk это соткано из шелка; be woven into smth. a golden thread is woven into cloth в ткани проходит золотая нитка
4. XVI
weave around (in, out of, through, etc.) smth. weave around streets (in and out of traffic, through the traffic, etc.) кружить /петлять/ по улицам и т.д.; the car was weaving in and out of the woods машина то пропадала в лесу, то снова появлялась; the road weaves through the valleys дорога вьется, переходя из одной долины в другую ХIХ2 abs it seemed the cars were weaving like mad /like crazy/ казалось, машины метались как безумные
5. XXI1
1) weave smth. on (of, by, into, etc.) smth. weave a cloth on looms (of /out of/ threads, of /out of/ silk, etc.) ткать материю на станках и т.д.; weave a carpet by hand ткать ковер вручную; weave a cloth from wool вырабатывать ткань из шерсти; weave threads in(to) cloth (in(to) fabric, into a web, etc.) вплетать нитки в ткань и т.д.; weave flowers (leaves, etc.) into a garland (into a wreath, etc.) сплетать цветы и т.д. в гирлянду и т.д.; weave ribbons (flowers, etc.) into /through/ one's hair вплетать ленты и т.д. в волосы
2) weave smth. in(to) smth. weave incidents (facts, episodes, etc.) in(to) a story (in(to) a tale, in(to) a poem, in(to) a continuous narrative, in(to) a connected whole, etc.) вводить /включать, вплетать/ отдельные события и т.д. в рассказ и т.д.; weave smth. round smb., smth. weave a romance (a story, a narrative, etc.) round a person (round an incident, etc.) сочинить целый роман и т.д. о каком-л. человеке и т.д.
3) || weave one's way through a crowd (through a forest, through traffic, etc.) пробираться сквозь толпу и т.д.

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "weave" в других словарях:

  • Weave — (w[=e]v), v. t. [imp. {Wove} (w[=o]v); p. p. {Woven} (w[=o]v n), {Wove}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Weaving}. The regular imp. & p. p. {Weaved} (w[=e]vd), is rarely used.] [OE. weven, AS. wefan; akin to D. weven, G. weben, OHG. weban, Icel. vefa, Sw. v[… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • weave — [wēv] vt. WOVE or, chiefly for vt. 6 & vi. 2, weaved, woven or wove or, chiefly for vt. 6 & vi. 2, weaved, weaving, wove [ME weven < OE wefan, akin to ON vefa, Ger weben < IE * webh (> Gr hyphē) < base * (a)we , to plait, weave] 1. a) …   English World dictionary

  • weave — Ⅰ. weave [1] ► VERB (past wove; past part. woven or wove) 1) form (fabric) by interlacing long threads passing in one direction with others at a right angle to them. 2) (usu. as noun weaving) make fabric in this way. 3) …   English terms dictionary

  • Weave — Weave, n. A particular method or pattern of weaving; as, the cassimere weave. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • weave — (v.) O.E. wefan form by interlacing yarn (class V strong verb; past tense wæf, pp. wefen), from P.Gmc. *webanan (Cf. O.N. vefa, M.L.G., M.Du., Du. weven, O.H.G. weban, Ger. weben to weave ), from PIE *webh /*wobh (Cf. Skt. ubhnati he laces to …   Etymology dictionary

  • weave — weave, knit, crochet, braid, plait, tat mean to make a fabric or textile or to form an article by interlacing threads or strands of material. Weave usually implies crossing rows of threads or strands interlaced into a web, irrespective of method …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Weave — Weave, v. i. 1. To practice weaving; to work with a loom. [1913 Webster] 2. To become woven or interwoven. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • weave — index incorporate (include) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • weave — verb. It is worth pointing out that there are two words involved here, although their meanings overlap in figurative applications. The one meaning ‘to form fabric by interlacing threads’ is from Old English, and the other, meaning ‘to take a… …   Modern English usage

  • weave — [v] blend, unite; contrive braid, build, careen, complect, complicate, compose, construct, create, criss cross, crochet, cue, entwine, fabricate, fold, fuse, incorporate, interfold, interlace, interlink, intermingle, intertwine, introduce, knit,… …   New thesaurus

  • weave — I n. a plain; satin; twill weave II v. 1) (C) she wove a basket for us; or: she wove us a basket 2) (d; tr.) to weave around, round (she wove the story around a specific theme) 3) (d; tr.) to weave from, out of (she wants to weave a scarf from… …   Combinatory dictionary

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